Free Initial Consultation for Everyone
„We are responsible ...
... not only for, what we
create ...
... but also for what we accept without complaint."
Been creative?
- You have a new innovative technical idea through a flash of genius ("an inspiration from God") or methodical work?
- You are artistically or entrepreneurially creative - but you don't know if and how you can protect your creativity?
- Are you wondering to what extent patents, designs and/or trademarks increase your attractiveness in the eyes of investors or customers?
- You are an employee, made an invention and are uYou are an employee, made an invention and are uncertain about what to consider now?
Restricted feedom to operate?
- You have been warned on the basis of a patent, design or trademark and do not know what to do?
- You believe that an intellectual property right is not valid and would like to know if and how you can take action against it?
Imitated and copied?
- You want or need to take action against a suspected infringer based on a patent, a design or a trademark?
- Have you been robbed of an idea or other creative result and are wondering how to defend yourself against it?
Whatever your concerns are ...
- Outline your topic briefly without obligation in the contact form below or contact us otherwise (via phone, email, etc.).
- We will be happy to show you your options for action as part of a free initial consultation: